About me

As a holistic therapist, I combine my knowledge, experience and intuition, to meet the needs of each individual or group that I work with.

I work with Sacred Cacao as a plant medicine to bring magick to the mundanity of our everyday lives.

My gift to the community is the unique combination of ancient Shamanic, Yogic and Tantric teachings with modern somatic and expressive therapies. With this, I seek to weave new connections and expand consciousness.

My Life’s Work

Over the last 20 years, I have studied and embodied many teachings and spiritual transmissions from various healing modalities.

Like many on this path, I was initially motivated to heal my own wounds and traumas. Eventually, however, I realised my calling was to offer the wisdom I had gained to others.  Now, I am passionate about welcoming and guiding people through the sacred spaces that I hold. 

I strongly believe in the power of authenticity. When I work with you, I give my complete presence combined with all the knowledge from my studies, healings and life experiences. 

Self-development has no limits. There is always more room to expand the mind, body and spirit – until our last breath on this Earth!

A Holistic approach to healing

I am passionate about Psychotherapy, Coaching, Somatics and Embodiment practices, such as dance, Yoga, meditation and Tantra.  Most recently, I’ve been trained in a transformational bodywork called The Alchemy of Touch.

I also love Ceremonial Cacao and Sacred ceremonies and rituals. My work has been to assist others’ growth, transforming their lives through the combination of Cacao ceremony with other healing modalities.