Ceremonial Grade Cacao

The purest ceremonial cacao, originally from Guatemala.  Alchemise your magick with Sacred Cacao – in the comfort of your own home.

Great for basic daily use and/or to create your own cacao ceremony and share with others.

Events & Collaborations

I love bringing people together in Sacred Group Containers.  People’s transformation from the beginning to the closing circle always amazes me. 
There are some exciting news:
New offerings of Feminine Embodiment – exclusive for women.  One is a drop-in fortnight circle and the other is a closed intimate group to journey for 4 weeks.
In the realm of sacred cacao medicine, at the moment there are 3x group ceremonies scheduled- 2x in English and 1x in Portuguese.
NOTE: These are the last public ceremonies and women’s events of this year in Australia.

Cacao Mentoring  &

Cacao Ceremonialist Training

Both 6 weeks programs are based on the wheel of fulfilment framework I created, to teach you how to deepen your connection with Sacred Cacao as a plant medicine.

The mentoring is an experiential program you take at your own pace, as it’s focus on your personal rituals and practice with cacao in your daily life.

The 6 modules of the Ceremonialist training are a mix of cacao content plus experiential, for you to learn everything you need to share cacao with others – both in ceremony and daily practice.  As part of the closing, there is a practicum ceremony where all the students co-create their first cacao ceremony for their special guests.


These sessions are focused on opening up your body mio-fascia and calming your mind. I will gently and slowly release stagnant energy and work on regulating your nervous system – the key for self-healing to occur.

Book your Session